Counselling Services for INFJ’s, Introverts, Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

Nurturing Your Unique Sensitivity

As an online counsellor for introverts, INFJ’s, empaths and Highly Sensitive People- I believe that there is power in telling your story.

You are someone who does A LOT of thinking. You process and think, and you keep it all locked up inside of you.

But did you know you’re an external feeler? Which means, to finally have some clarification, you need to speak it out. 

To understand your feelings- you need to be able to share them. 

If you’re an introvert wanting to make a positive impact on the world- it’s important that you have a safe space to work on your feelings, heal your wounds, vent about what’s happening, and remove blocks so that you can finally move forward.

It’s time to shine your beautiful light that the world so desperately needs!

With my online counselling services I am able to provide this safe space for you.

I am able to empower you to step into your life’s purpose, find healing, live in the now and dream for the future.


Benefits Of Counselling for an INFJ, Introvert, Empath
or Highly Sensitive Person

- Learn self-acceptance and self-love of who you are.

- Receiving counselling from another INFJ. Someone who gets it and understands you and the way you work.

- To finally feel heard. You are the person that everybody else talks to. You are the person who carries the heavy load… and sometimes, you need someone else to be that person for you

- Learn tools and techniques to help remain grounded and confident within yourself.

Other Benefits Include…

- Decrease symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.
- Connect with your inner self and strengthen your intuition skills.
- Discover your true values in life and business, and learn what your priorities are.
- Learn to set better boundaries, to protect and maintain your energy.
- Gain clarity and a greater perspective on your situation.
- Heal from your trauma and learn better coping strategies to help move forward.
- Build your self esteem and courage.
- Explore options, develop strategies and increase self-awareness.
- Regain wellbeing and balance in your life and business.
- Helps to release your true potential and step into your life’s purpose.


What Topics Can We Cover?

Look, we can pretty much talk about whatever the heck you want to talk about. This is how Paper Crane Of Hope Counselling Services differs from other therapists. It’s not so much about what the issue is (ie. Some counsellors are marketed as “grief counselling”) but it’s more about supporting you through all of these mental health challenges, through the lens of knowing you’re an INFJ, introvert, empath, HSP or gentle soul.

Because we all know that the way we (yes, I’m in this category too!) process and see the world, is vastly different than everyone else! So it’s super important that you choose a counsellor who understands this about you (in every single freaking way.)

However, these are some of the things in particular we can look at…

Counselling Services for Caring Professionals

Counselling Services for Religious or Church Trauma


Counselling Services for Neurodivergent Adults

Counselling services and therapy for online entrepreneurs and online influencers.

Counselling Services for Online Entrepreneurs and Influencers